Positive Physics

Wouldn't it be great if studying physics was not so difficult? Sometimes you need to read the same chapter again and again to understand the described concepts. The most discouraging thing is that even once you think that you've grasped the meaning of all the concepts, the challenge of solving multiple physics problems arises. It is so hard to apply theoretical ideas to solve practical problems. That is why many students choose to hire qualified tutors to help them. However, the services of experts in physics are rather expensive. Not all students can afford to have additional classes with them every week. One of the possible options is to use online services like Positive Physics. To register there, you need to get a password from your teacher if your school is using this platform. The only drawback is that your teacher will see all of the incorrect answers you enter.

The platform was created by Jack Replinger, a Skoll Scholar and Oxford MBA. The idea behind this project is to make physics accessible to students of all backgrounds. If you want to improve your skills and get a better understanding of the laws of physics, you simply choose a corresponding section on the platform and start solving problems. The section you are interested in is Extra Practice. Here you can solve additional problems if you think that you need more practice. The visualization and short explanations will help you find the most effective approach to finding the right solution. Another section is called Work, here you will find the problems you review with your teacher in class. The Assessment section is here to test how well you've understood all the concepts. The more accurate you are while answering the questions, the higher score you are going to get.

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If it is going to be the first time you use this platform, we suggest you watch the introduction video first. Your teacher will probably explain the basics to you but it will never hurt to listen to this important information once again. You must understand that the evaluation process there is tricky. You will be able to correct some of the answers you enter right away, while some of them are impossible to change until you click the Finalize button. Once again, you need to keep in mind that your teacher will see all the corrections you've made. Hopefully, your teacher will give you all the explanations in class to avoid making mistakes. Just remember that it's OK to miss some of the points right after you've studied a chapter in your textbook. We all make mistakes. Allow yourself to make them once in a while.

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You can look for other platforms that give you the chance to practice your skills in physics. Online forums can be a nice place to find the answers to your questions. The only difficulty here is that you might need to wait for some time until you get the right comment from an expert. Look for the most convenient option for you and improve your skills in physics.